Salmon Fresh Fillet Deboned Norway | سمك السالمون النرويجي

Salmon Fresh Fillet Deboned Norway | سمك السالمون النرويجي



Salmon Fresh Fillet Farmed Norway- One pack consists of 250-300 grams.

Salmon is one of the most famous fish when it comes to health benefits. It always makes a really impressive centerpiece when cooked and presented whole and its fillet is equally delicious. A light dill-and-yogurt or cucumber-dill sauce works well, and sliced cucumbers and new potatoes are ideal companions.

Fresh salmon is famous for being one of the richest sources of long-chain Omega3 fatty acids; essential for a healthy heart and brain function. Salmon helps in lowering the cholesterol, maintaining the flexibility of arteries and veins and strengthening cardiac muscles. 

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